Monday, January 30, 2012

I be bloggin'

So now that the album's out, I gotta few other things to set in motion.  I have my financial goals.  But I can't reach such goals without an income.  So I'm still working on finding a job.  I also have my career goals.  As of now, that is being a freelance composer for games (and maybe film).  As of now, I'm setting this up.  No moves made, just placing my pieces on the board.

The real point of this post here is to announce that my dad helped me come to the idea of using this track my progression as a musician/composer/whatever.  "You mean that wasn't the point of this whole blog in the first place?"  Well, it was an option, but I was also hoping to come up with topics to discuss and elaborate, including tutorials, comparisons, reflections, etc.  Quite frankly it seems that I'm not that creative, so these topics don't just come to me.

They're out there.  Sittin' there looking at me from wherever they like to hide.

On that note, this entry is here to say that more are coming.  My life is my topic (where it is relevant to my goals mentioned).

Don't mind the odd title.  I dunno what I was thinking but I'm leaving it.

Keep you eyes and ears open, as well as your mind.


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